Sep 29, 2008


  1. My Sister's Keeper (Mission Work in Sudan)
  2. 11 Basic (Primary) Schools in Jamaica
  3. Doctors Without Borders
  4. Tsepong Orphanage for Children with AIDS (Lesotho)
  5. The Children's Defense Fund
  6. Development of AME India
  7. Health Care for Haiti
  8. Bryant Seminary in Liberia
  9. Reorientation of child soldiers in Sierra Leone
  10. The Green Belt Movement (ecology) Kenya

Sep 27, 2008

Missionary Sisters On A Mission

Albion Interfaith Ministries is a cooperative effort of the churches and service Organizations in Albion, Michigan to take care of the needy. Gertrude Hawkins WMS has taking on volunteering Fridays to help out in the food room,(passing out food). We also help wherever we are needed. AIM also operate a clothing thrift shop and assist in emergency situations.
Gertrude Hawkins WMS,We Are On The Move.

Sep 26, 2008


PATIENT..................................HEBREWS 12:1 and ROMANS 15:5
TRUTHFULL....................PROVERBS 12:19
COHESIVE........................PSALMS 133:1
LOYAL................................RUTH 1:16-18
SINCERE............................1 PETER 2:1-2
COMMITMENT.................PSALMS 37:5
FOCUS.........................................PSALMS 119:37
OPEN-MINDED................ GALATIANS 3:28
PRAYER............................1THESSALONIANS: -JAMES 5:15 and EPHESIANS 6:11
SELF-CARE...............................ROMANS 12:1 and EPHESIANS 6: 11
RESOURCES.....................PHILIPPIANS 4:19
LOVE.................................1CORINTHIANS 13:1
YEAR ONE..........................STUDY THE GOSPEL OF JOHN

The 4th District WMS Required Reading 2008-2009 Annual Conference Year

Read, Research, Reflect, Respond!

The Nine Books on this list help us to begin to inform ourselves as we pray to be come effective Missionaries on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Create Reading Clusters/ Circles of 5 persons with whom you can dialogue and gain fresh perspective. Discuss specific writings at each local area/ conference/ district meeting.

Make Missions meaningful through enlightenment. Enjoy the Journey.

  1. Craig Detweiler and Barry Taylor ............................... A Matrix of Meanings- God in Pop Culture

  2. Robert K. Greenleaf ......................................................Servant Leadership

  3. Roger Housden........................................................ ... Ten Poems to Change your Life Again and Again

  4. lesslie Newbiggin........................................................ The Open Secret-Theology of Mission

  5. Frances J. Roberts ...................................................... Come Away My Bloved- Devotional Classic

  6. Dutch Sheets,.............................................................. Authority in Prayer

  7. Alex Steffen, Editor .................................................... World Changing

  8. Renita J. Weems.......................................................... What Matters Most

  9. Brother Yun .............................................................. Living Water